Explorer’s of Enteja [03/12/2025]

Prescott 1841 Hwy 69, Prescott, AZ, United States

Explore the vast lands of Enteja - a mystical world in a forgotten time. Bring your own Dungeons & Dragons character or grab a pre-generated character at the shop. Players wanted - all DM's are store provided!

Star Wars Unlimited: Jump to Lightspeed Prelease [03/12/2025]

Cottonwood 1645 E Cottonwood St Ste A-C, Cottonwood, AZ, United States

Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, this exclusive early access offers a unique opportunity to explore new strategies and enhance your gameplay. Each Prerelease Box also includes a special promo card, adding a touch of rarity to your collection. Gather your friends for a thrilling game night, dive into the latest adventures, […]

Explorer’s of Enteja [03/13/2025]

Prescott 1841 Hwy 69, Prescott, AZ, United States

Explore the vast lands of Enteja - a mystical world in a forgotten time. Bring your own Dungeons & Dragons character or grab a pre-generated character at the shop. Players wanted - all DM's are store provided!

Magic Academy – Learn to Play [03/14/2025]

Prescott 1841 Hwy 69, Prescott, AZ, United States

Get ready to unleash your inner wizard! We’ll hook you up with the skills and a shiny deck to dive into Magic the Gathering, plus we’ll match you with an expert who’s got all the answers to your burning questions!

Pi Day Craft Night [03/14/2025]

Prescott 1841 Hwy 69, Prescott, AZ, United States

Tired of the Port-a-Diner not dispensing that perfectly preserved pie? We are holding a special craft night on 3/14 to celebrate Pi Day! Come on down and for $15 (not currently accepting bottle caps, check back post-apocalypse) you can make your own perfectly preserved pie slice, guaranteed to be safe from the ravages of time […]

Aetherdrift Commander Party [03/14/2025]

Cottonwood 1645 E Cottonwood St Ste A-C, Cottonwood, AZ, United States

Experience a Commander event that fully immerses players in the captivating Aetherdrift setting and narrative. The special rules for the Commander Party are uniquely crafted to align with the theme of the set, offering an unparalleled gameplay experience. Register with your WPN email and receive a special promo that is only offered at these events!

Aetherdrift Commander Party [03/14/2025]

Prescott 1841 Hwy 69, Prescott, AZ, United States

Experience a Commander event that fully immerses players in the captivating Aetherdrift setting and narrative. The special rules for the Commander Party are uniquely crafted to align with the theme of the set, offering an unparalleled gameplay experience. Register with your WPN email and receive a special promo that is only offered at these events!